Deliverable and Reports D1.1 Transfer of lessons learned on extreme wildfire events to key stakeholders D1.3 Piloting the adaptation of methodology of Forest Fire Potential Polygons to improve decision making on EWE events D1.4 Testing key inputs for atmospheric data analysis using new knowledge and expertise on Extreme Wildfire Events (IA 1.2 brief) D1.5 Adapted long-term climate change projections and seasonal forecasts D1.7 Spatial and temporal conditions for extreme wildfire events at the European scale D1.9 Integrated fire management model: demonstration, training and piloting activities, including new fire-prone areas (IA 1.4 brief 1) D1.11 Ecological factors driving resistant and resilient landscapes to high intensity and extreme wildfire events D1.12 Innovative post-fire strategies and adaptation to the current context of increasing environmental uncertainties D1.13 Recommendations and novel adaptive management scenarios to create resilient forest landscapes to EWE (part I) D2.1 Improving data acquisition for landscape design based on novel remote sensing methods (IA 2.1 brief) D2.3 Quality standards for WUI architecture and landscape design D2.4 Recommendations for improving security on Wild Urban Interface at multiple scales D2.6 Designing strategic networks of managed areas to improve suppression efforts against EWE D3.1 Policy Brief "Can economic incentives help reducing wildfire risk? Reviewing tools to motivate more fire-resilient land management". See also the official deliverable D3.5 Technical report on methodology and procedure to design and setup parametric-insurance products for wildfires (IA 3.3a brief) D3.6 Modelling agent report for one risk transfer solution (IA 3.3b brief) D4.8 Matricial tool and ad hoc guidance D5.1 Technical requirements and system architecture of the integrative software system D5.3 Modelling the EWE and smoke spread based on coupled fireatmosphere approaches (IA 5.2 brief) D5.4 Modelling of wildfire combustion and convective processes D5.6 Earth observtion data collection to support decision making (IA 5.5 brief) D5.7 Results and recommendations from a HAPS fleet simulation confronted to real risk and fire events data at South European level (IA 5.6 brief 1) D5.12 Tools to properly communicate scenarios during the EWE crisis (IA 5.9 brief) D5.13 Development of a Pan-European system to define management priorities to mitigate fire impact D6.1 Operational Handbook for OIC kickstarting D6.2 Visual inspiration map and catalogue of innovative solutions