FIRE-RES partners and its Advisory Board gathered in Wageningen from 28th to 30th November 2022 for a productive annual project meeting and the first General Assembly, hosted by Wageningen University and Research. One year after the project´s kick-off, partners had the opportunity to present and reflect on progress and achievements in all the Work Packages and Living Labs, and to plan the next steps for the coming year. The meeting was also an opportunity for the consortium to receive valuable feedback from the Advisory Board members, who encouraged partners to increase the synergies and collaboration between work packages.
On the second day of the General Assembly, Wageningen University & Research organised visits to the sites where the two largest fires in Dutch history happened in 2020 and 2022: De Peel and Meinweg sites. This was an opportunity to learn how the fire management system works in The Netherlands, the challenges for the upcoming years, and the expected impact of FIRE-RES on local fire management practices.