Press kit
Everything you need to know about FIRE-RES
28 February 2022
An integrated approach to extreme wildfires in Europe
14 October 2022
The new scenario of extreme wildfires in Europe
25 September 2023
FIRE-RES Open Innovation Challenge now open
8 November 2023
CoLAB ForestWISE welcomes the FIRE-RES consortium for a technical day
3 December 2024
New Pan-European Server to Improve Forest Fire Management and Prevention
24 January 2024
Fifty innovative wildfire solutions enter the next phase of the FIRE-RES Open Innovation Challenge
12 September 2024
An event about innovation in fire risk prevention and control in Bordeaux and Mimizan
FIRE-RES in the press
Chilean press
- 20/01/2022 CONAF – Chile participa en proyecto de la Unión Europea para mejorar sistemas ante incendios forestales
- 18/05/2023 CORMA – FIRE-RES: el megaproyecto de la UE que desde Chile busca aprender sobre el manejo de los incendios forestales
- 04/03/2024 El Mercurio– Piden que la Ley de Incendios incluya prevención, combate, investigación y recuperación
Dutch press
- 08/12/2012 WUR News– WUR gaat klimaatverandering tegen in European Green Deal
French press
- 18/11/2022 European Institute of Planted Forest – INCENDIES ESTIVAUX 2022 DANS LE LIVING LAB DE NOUVELLE-AQUITAINE
- 25/09/2024 Les annonces landaises – Feux de forêts – Rencontres à Mimizan
- 25/11/2024 SudOuest – Feux de forêt : comment l’aménagement du paysage participe à la prévention et à la lutte ?
German press
- 13/10/2022 Waldbrandteam News – Internationale Trainings-Tagung im Rahmen des FIRE-RES Projektes durch das Waldbrandteam durchgeführt
- 13/10/2022 Walsroder Zeitung – Im Wald nicht gleich zum C-Rohr greifen
- 03/01/2024 Deutsche Feuerwehr Zeitung – FIRE-RES Austausch in Niedersachsen
Italian press
- 02/03/2022 SardegnaForeste News – PARTE IL PROGETTO FIRE RES
- 5/04/2022 ISTITUTO PER LA BIOECONOMIA Dipartimento di Scienze Bio Agroalimentari – FIRE RES
- 10/02/2023 Centro per la Cooperazione Internazionale – FIRE-RES Innovative Technologies and Socio-Ecological-Economic Solutions for FIRE RESilient Territories in Europe
- 10/02/2024 SardegnaForeste News – Fo.Re.S.T.A.S. ospite del Progetto Horizon “The HuT” sugli incendi boschivi: workshop a Tortolì
Norwegian press
- 14/07/2023 NRK – Samarbeider med spanske brannfolk
Portuguese press
- 06/11/2023 Agroportal – Segunda Reunião Geral do consórcio FIRE-RES – 7 a 9 de novembro – Penafiel
- 07/11/2023 Imediato – Especialistas encontram-se em Penafiel para discutir soluções sobre incêndios rurais
- 07/11/2023 Ambiente Magazine– FIRE-RES: Especialistas discutem soluções para mitigar incêndios rurais
- 07/11/2023 AVerdade – Especialistas reúnem-se em Penafiel para discutir soluções para mitigar incêndios rurais
- 11/11/2023 Imediato – Especialistas sobre incêndios visitaram quintas Penafidelenses
- 11/11/2023 Agroportal – CoLAB ForestWISE recebe consórcio FIRE-RES em jornada técnica sobre proteção da floresta, resiliência da paisagem e biodiversidade
- 10/11/2023 AGRONegocios – CoLAB ForestWISE recebe consórcio FIRE-RES em jornada técnica sobre proteção da floresta, resiliência da paisagem e biodiversidade
- 05/02/2024 Diário de Viseu – Residência artística instiga reflexão sobre o impacto dos incêndios
- 08/02/2024 Mais Beiras Informação – Santa Comba Dão: obra de arte comunitária recorda incêndios de 2017
- 22/03/2024 Escola Nacional de Bombeiros (ENB) –
- 26/03/2024 Câmara Municipal da Lousã –
Spanish press
- 23/01/22 REVISTA CAMBRILS – Catalunya lidera un projecte europeu per combatre i prevenir grans incendis forestals i prevenir grans incendis forestals
- 22/01/21 TV3 – Noves estrategies contra incendis forestals
- 21/01/22 MÓN RURAL – Catalunya coordina un estudi europeu per a prevenir i extingir incendis forestals
- 21/01/2022 CANAL TARONJA – Experts europeus visiten les zones afectades pels incendis de l’Anoia per un projecte del CTFC
- 21/01/2022 RÀDIO MONTBLANC – Desenvolupen un estudi europeu per evitar incendis similars al de Santa Coloma de Queralt
- 20/01/2022 DIARI DE GIRONA – Catalunya lidera un projecte europeu per combatre i prevenir grans incendis forestals
- 19/01/2022 REGIÓ 7 – L’auge dels incendis extrems centra el nou projecte europeu del CTFC
- 18/01/2022 TERRITORIS – Solsona, el ‘laboratoriu viu’ d’un dels projectes forestals més ambiciosos de la UE
- 17/01/2022 REGIÓ 7 – Solsona es converteix en la capital europea de la innovació en la gestió d’incendis durant tres dies
- 07/03/2022 – IRTA – FIRE-RES, un projecte per construir una Europa més resistent als incendis forestals extrems
- 05/12/2022 Més 324 – Antoni Trasobares: “A Catalunya tenim un excés de bosc”
- 24/01/2023 Radio Pauta – ISCI -Entervista Jaime Carrasco
- 15/03/2023 Ciència Oberta – Andrea Duane: El foc forma part de l’ecosistema
- 28/04/2023 El Diario – El nuevo paradigma de los incendios: “Los bomberos o gobiernos no te van a salvar, cada uno debe protegerse”
- 11/05/2023 Radio3 – Overmono | Incendios forestales
- 26/01/2025 – Antoni Trasobares: “Debemos adaptar los bosques a las condiciones climáticas extremas”
Greek press
- 07/05/22 ERT ECHO – Kostas Kalambokidis, Professor at the University of the Aegean, speaks about FIRE-RES on the national radio
- 07/06/22 ERT1 – Kostas Kalambokidis, Professor at the University of the Aegean, speaks on ERT1’s show “Connections” on Innovative technologies for an effective response to the media
- 07/07/22 ERT – Kostas Kalambokidis, Professor at the Aegean Univeristy, talks to ERT (National Greek TV) about the innovative European FIRE-RES project
Other international press
- 09/08/2022 European Research Executive Agency
– The EU-funded projects helping to fight forest fires - 28/01/2022 MedForest – FIRE-RES project kicks-off: striving for a fire-resilient Europe
- 11/09/2023 CORDIS News – Firing up to fight wildfires
- 30/11/2023 Circular Bioeconomy Alliance – Wildfire-Resilient Landscapes Network launched, ahead of COP28 UAE
- 30/11/2023 The Commonwealth – Wildfire-Resilient Landscapes Network launched ahead of COP28
- 01/12/2023 Lombard Odier – Wildfire-Resilient Landscapes Network launched in partnership with Circular Bioeconomy Alliance and the Commonwealth Secretariat ahead of COP28 UAE
- 01/12/2023 Lessons on Fire – Reflecting on the Second Wildfire Risk Management Clustering Event
- 06/12/2023 Allnews – Financer la résilience des forêts
- 07/02/2024 CORDIS News – Global network for building resilient landscapes launched ahead of UN climate change conference
- 28/02/2024 Green Deal Projects Support Office– Unlocking the potential of participatory tools for climate change adaptation
- 28/05/2024 BNR News – Experiment: Goats protect forests from fires, graze in the risk zones below them
- 28/06/2024 IUFRO News – Protecting people and societies from the threat of wildfires
- 18/07/2024 Sofia Forestry University – Agreement on Cooperation and Integrated Landscape Management to Prevent Significant Wildfires
- 24/07/2024 Bulgaria ON AIR – Interview with Assoc. Dr Georgi Kostov