FIRE-RES releases its first deliverable on Extreme Wildfire Events! Titled “Transfer of lessons learned on extreme wildfire events to key stakeholders”, this deliverable highlights the need for a holistic approach that takes into account environmental, socio-economic, and civil security factors to address the growing threat of Extreme Wildfire Events in Europe.
The deliverable aims to provide a common framework for all FIRE-RES partners to ensure they are conceptually aligned. To achieve this, several workshops were organised on the various aspects of Extreme Wildfire Events’ behaviour and process. These workshops covered topics such as fuel use and energy emissions, emergency management and fire, landscape and economy, governance, societal awareness and communication, and risk awareness.
The workshops’ outcomes are summarised in the deliverable and relate to the challenges in emergency and fire management, including communication issues, lack of training and capacity, and uncertainty. It was further underlined that prescribed burning should also be considered as an appropriate fire management tool, and that incorporating the economic aspects of resilient landscapes is important. The deliverable also emphasises the importance of ensuring good access to land use and land cover data, and burned area data, but also to better engage with all stakeholders on fire management issues.
FIRE-RES aims to find solutions to these challenges and create resilient landscapes that can absorb and adapt to disturbances and help recover from Extreme Wildfire Events, contributing to the overall challenge of addressing the threat of extreme wildfires in Europe.
Explore all FIRE-RES documents published so far here.