IA 1.4. Integrated fire management model: bases, demonstration and piloting activities



What kind of result is this?

Report on experiences and lessons learned from fire management practices, both in fire-prone and new fire areas.

What’s the area addressed?

Emergency, Risk Mapping and Sustainable Fire Management Models
Landscape Management

What’s the covered phase?

Prevention & Preparedness

What’s the addressed challenge?

This IA is designed to help transforming fire management approaches in light of recent extreme wildfire events (EWE). It aims to promote the restoration of fire regimes and their positive impacts on the ecosystem, as restoring fire regimes is regarded as the only viable way to significantly upscale fire risk reduction practices in today’s society.

The focus has shifted from exclusively suppressing fires to implementing an integrated fire management (IFM) strategy, with a special focus on the use of fire. The restoration of fire’s role in the ecosystem is intended not only to better prepare the landscape for potential EWEs, but also to restore a crucial ecological process – the presence of fire – to which the ecosystem is already adapted and that has been eliminated over the past century.

Achieving an IFM strategy requires a new way of training our future experts, a broader definition of scientific excellence and the promotion of opportunities for people from different disciplines and sectors to meet and learn.

What value is proposed?

By emphasising knowledge sharing and interdisciplinary collaboration, the IA aims to improve decision-making and highlight the importance of fire as a vital element in forest ecosystems.

As part of the IFM demonstration activities, training activities will be organised to share the accumulated knowledge with stakeholders involved in the fire management process. In addition, several prescribed fires in subalpine stands will be conducted as part of this IA to assess the potential impact of fire management on new burn areas.

Who can use it?

Fire-fighters, researchers, land managers and forest managers

What type of tool is it?


How does it look like?


This tool is…

☐ a new tool

⊠ an improved tool

What are the vision & mission statement?

This IA is intended to improve decision-making capacities and increase the acceptance of fire as a driving component of forest ecosystems among stakeholders and the local population. This IA will thus promote the use of an IFM strategy and in particular prescribed fires in EU regions.

When will it be complete?

June 2024


Deliverable 1.9 “Integrated fire management model: demonstration, training and piloting activities, including new fire-prone areas (IA 1.4 brief 1)”

This IA is implemented in the Living Lab(s)…

Catalonia, Portugal, Sardinia

Media coverage of the I.A.


Pere Casals

Lena Vila

Edgar Nebot Hernandez

Sotsinspector del Cos de Bombers