We are building a European Fire Education Platform. Help us shape it to your needs !

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The FIRE-RES project is developing a comprehensive strategy for managing extreme wildfires, covering all phases of fire management from prevention to adaptation and restoration. In this context, ISA[1]CTFC[2], WU[3], and FWISE[4] are developing an ambitious Fire Education Platform to compile and share knowledge and practices relevant to fire management. And we invite You to share your own experience so that we can tailor it to your needs!

fostering a common risk culture: the fire education platform

Extreme wildfires are becoming increasingly common in Europe, including in regions that used to be relatively spared by the phenomenon. Yet, because there is limited research available on the subject, it is crucial to organise and share knowledge within a shared platform, thus fostering the emergence of a common risk culture. To facilitate this, the FIRE-RES team is actively working to create a Fire Education Platform, an online tool designed to gather and share best practices for informing and educating various stakeholders about wildfires across different countries.

how will it work?

This innovative multimedia tool will collect information from multiple countries, catering to diverse audiences such as policymakers, teachers, students, local communities, and the general public. Its primary objective is to delve into the concept and extent of fire culture in Europe and beyond, exploring topics such as fire ecology, fire risk, and the social dimension of wildfires, including oral and artistic practices, traditions, and the utilization of fire by local rural communities. Through an interactive model, citizens and scientists from various countries will contribute their local knowledge, covering different stages of the fire cycle.

The platform will provide free access to all information and will be available in five languages. The Fire Education Platform is set to be launched in 2024.

Take the survey so that we better understand your needs!

To ensure that the FIRE-RES Fire Education Platform meets the needs of future users, a survey has been prepared to collect your thoughts. We invite all potential users, from teachers to decision makers and fire-related actors to answer the survey and share it among their family, friends, and colleagues. By joining forces, we can work towards building more fire-resilient landscapes and communities!

The survey is available through this link, it consists of 24 questions and should take about 9 minutes to complete.

For any questions on the Fire Education Platform or suggestions to further spread the survey, please contact: Iryna Skulska (Iryna.skulska@gmail.com)  or Letícia Oliveira (up201706603@edu.fe.up.pt).

Authors: Iryna Skulska (Instituto Superior de Agronomia – Lisbon University), Elena Feo (Euromontana)

[1] ISA – School of Agriculture, University of Lisbon

[2] CTFC – Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia

[3] WU – Wageningen University

[4] FWISE – Collaborative Laboratory for Integrated Forest and Fire Management