theme 1


Theme 2

Engagement & Empowerment


This theme embraces innovative solutions that improve risk communication, awareness raising, and timely information for populations at risk, the general public, policy makers and the media. In the following list you can explore the three challenges.

1.1 Risk communication and awareness for the general public

Looking to enhance the Risk Communication and Awareness of the general public in order to mitigate Extreme Wildfire Events and their consequences.

1.2 Risk communication and awareness for policy makers and media

Seeking to inform and promote the Risk Communication and Awareness of Policy Makers and Media stakeholders for the improvement of preparedness in critical decision making and information dissemination.

1.3 Up-to-date and real-time risk information and instructions for the general public

Looking for solutions for engaging the population in at-risk locations with current or live information and instructions to promote preparedness and effective response.