OIC Innovation Development Skills Webinars: the series continues with a focus on the art of pitching

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On 11 September 2024, EFI Bioregions Facility hosted a new Innovation Development Skills Webinar titled “Beyond Pitching: Maximise Your Pitching Skills and Use Storytelling to Turn Your Solution into a Love Product!” The event brought together 22 participants, providing them with an in-depth look at how to elevate their pitching techniques through the power of storytelling. 

Led by Dr. Anne Ackermann, communications expert and researcher at EFI, the session went beyond traditional pitching strategies. Participants were introduced to effective communication techniques aimed at engaging their audience on a deeper level. Creating compelling narratives and ensuring that crucial information is conveyed clearly is key to craft stories that not only resonate but also inspire – and this is what the participants explored with hands-on examples. A key highlight was the case study presented by Joona Kotilainen, co-founder of Hiil Ltd., offering an actual experience of how storytelling can transform an innovative solution into a product that people love.

The event is another milestone of the ambitious FIRE-RES OIC acceleration programme that, through tailored support and mentorship, assists a group of selected innovators on their journey to refine fully realised products and processes. The webinar provided valuable training for participants ahead of upcoming pitching and networking opportunities, including the FIRE-RES Forum “Success Stories from the Living Labs” on 19 September, the next Innovation Development Skills webinar dedicated to intellectual property rights on 2 October, and the Forestry Speed Dating fourth series dedicated to Extreme Wildfire Events. The skills learned during this session are expected to greatly enhance future innovation pitches, helping participants connect more effectively with their audiences and convey their ideas with maximum impact.

Author: Beatrice Bellavia (Euromontana)