IA 5.6. Prototyping HAPS (High Altitude Pseudo Satellites) contribution to Europe's resilience against EWE



What kind of result is this?

New tool & Recommendations

What’s the area addressed?

Emergency management 

What’s the covered phase?

Detection & Response, 
​​Crisis management/Eradication/Control​

What’s the addressed challenge?

Lack of satellite images of the wildfire with enough frequency provision to be used by the Firefighters. 

What value is proposed?

HAPS fleet simulator will provide a monitoring service using historical risk and fire events as input data with the objective of reducing the time since the fire is detected until the first images of the wildfire are provided. The output of the simulation will be a correlation between different Service Level Agreement levels, fleet deployment rules and size, and recommendations.

AIRBUS will provide a high-level definition of concept of operations, system architecture and components, data processing and dissemination and complementarities with ground, satellite and UAV systems, proposing also a roadmap for implementing these outcomes. 

Who can use it?

Regional Governments in charge of Firefighters efforts and strategy.  

What type of tool is it?

Test results/protocol 

How does it look like?

Stand-alone software 

This tool is…

⊠ a new tool

☐ an improved tool

What are the vision & mission statement?

Independent, solar-powered, environment-friendly platforms deployed at the stratosphere, flying continuously 24/7 for months, designed to provide EO and Telecommunication services at a closer scale than satellites, ideal for wildfire applications from national to pan-European range.

This IA shall define a service that captures data from the stratosphere for multiple phases of wildfire management: risk assessment, fire detection and active fire monitoring, with focus on EWE. Hence, AIRBUS will simulate a fleet of HAPS deployed at the European stratosphere.


  • Simulator shows a reduction in the time to provide the first images of a wildfire since its detection with the usage of a HAPS fleet.
  • Increase in % of time a fire is monitored by HAPS with respect to % of time a fire is monitored by other platforms.
  • % increase in frequency for data provision to support the end-users in controlling wildfires in <24h

When will it be complete?

Early  2025



This IA is implemented in the Living Lab(s)…

Catalonia, Galicia, Bulgaria, Greece, Portugal, Sardinia


Pol Llorca

Óscar Souto