IA 3.1. Fire wine – engaging wineries in maintaining fire-resilient territories through a label
What kind of result is this? | New brand, Document of good practices | |
What’s the area addressed? | Landscape and Economy | |
What’s the covered phase? | Prevention & Preparedness | |
What’s the addressed challenge? | To maintain or to create landscape complexity (agro-forest mosaic, firesmart landscape), to add economic and social value to agriculture. | |
What value is proposed? | Boosting a public-private mechanisms to leverage investments in wineries’ surrounding forests as part of their territorial environmental commitment. Companies and individuals in strategic locations that are applying good practices will be awarded a label as a market distinction, which could give access to local supports, depending on each existing administrative system. A network will provide information and facilitate exchanges between the concerned stakeholders. | |
Who can use it? | Wineries, wine growers, farmers | |
What type of tool is it? | Network, brand | |
How does it look like? | Website | |
This tool is… | ⊠ a new tool | ☐ an improved tool |
What are the vision & mission statement? | The network and brand should go on growing from FIRE RES project | |
When will it be complete? | 2025 | |
Documentation | ||
This IA is implemented in the Living Lab(s)… | Catalonia. Further areas of investigation external to the Living Labs include Spain, France, Portugal and Italy. |

Soazig Darnay
- Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia- Centre de Ciència i Tecnologia Forestal de Catalunya (Spain)
- gabrielle.cummins@mitigasolutions.com

Elena Gorriz
- Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia- Centre de Ciència i Tecnologia Forestal de Catalunya (Spain)
- obbe.tuinenburg@mitigasolutions.com