IA 1.2. Testing key inputs for atmospheric data analysis using new knowledge and expertise on EWE
What kind of result is this? | Key atmospheric parameters/variables | |
What’s the area addressed? | Emergency, Risk Mapping and Sustainable Fire Management Models | |
What’s the covered phase? | Detection & Response | |
What’s the addressed challenge? | Some key variables need to be monitored in order to be able to identify and predict risk scenarios. | |
What value is proposed? | A new methodology for fire analysis will be developed, including novel atmospheric parameters, drivers, tipping points, and triggers that favour EWE growth and PyroCb process. This methodology will be tested in wildfires occurring during the project lifetime. | |
Who can use it? | Emergency managers, Wildfire analysts. | |
What type of tool is it? | Document | |
How does it look like? | Pdf document available in the website | |
This tool is… | ⊠ a new tool | ☐ an improved tool |
What are the vision & mission statement? | Definition of the key parameters to include in the model for operational decisionmaking. | |
When will it be complete? | By the end of 2025, depending on the possibility of EWEs. | |
Documentation | Currently under development | |
This IA is implemented in the Living Lab(s)… | Depending on where EWEs might happen through the project’s lifetime, the I.A. might be implemented in Catalonia, Portugal, Bulgaria, Canary Islands, Chile, Galicia, Germany-The Netherlands, Greece, Norway-Sweden, Sardinia |

Jorge Andrés Saavedra Saldías
- Corporación Nacional Forestal Santiago, Chile
- jorge.saavedra@conaf.cl

Edgar Nebot Hernandez
Sotsinspector del Cos de Bombers
- Catalan Fire and Rescue Services - Government of Catalonia - Departament D'interior - Generalitat De Catalunya (Spain)
- eneboth@gencat.cat