IA 4.6. Piloting a Firesmart planning platform and conceptualization tool



What kind of result is this?

New tool, Guide, Platform

What’s the area addressed?

Governance, Society, Communication And Risk Awareness
Land and Urban planning 

What’s the covered phase?

Prevention & Preparedness

What’s the addressed challenge?

Integration of wildfire risk into land and urban planning

What value is proposed?

The IA 4.6 “Piloting a Firesmart planning platform and conceptualization tool” will include three type of results, all of them aimed to support wildfire risk integration into urban and spatial planning:

  • End-users oriented platform about resources, policy tools, best practices and guides available.
  • Guide for planners which will include the wildfire risk knowledge according to land planners requirements.
  • Conceptualization of risk assessment and planning tool, which will permit to identify main risk factors, mitigation measures, and the corresponding stakeholders and planning tools.

Who can use it?

Land and urban planners and other land planners

What type of tool is it?

Platform, guide and case study

How does it look like?


This tool is…

⊠ a new tool

☐ an improved tool

What are the vision & mission statement?

  • Avoiding build more exposed elements (houses, infrastructures, facilities, etc.) on the territory.  
  • Homeowners will have resources and information to reduce their vulnerability 
  • Contributing to decrease the probability of fatalities 

When will it be complete?

Mid 2025


Currently under development

This IA is implemented in the Living Lab(s)…

Catalonia, Portugal


Eduard Plana

Marta Serra