IA 3.1. Fire wine – engaging wineries in maintaining fire-resilient territories through a label



What kind of result is this?

New brand, Document of good practices

What’s the area addressed?

Landscape and Economy
Economic drivers, Incentives and Insurance Solutions

What’s the covered phase?

Prevention & Preparedness

What’s the addressed challenge?

To maintain or to create landscape complexity (agro-forest mosaic, firesmart landscape), to add economic and social value to agriculture.

What value is proposed?

Boosting a public-private mechanisms to leverage investments in wineries’ surrounding forests as part of their territorial environmental commitment. Companies and individuals in strategic locations that are applying good practices will be awarded a label as a market distinction, which could give access to local supports, depending on each existing administrative system. A network will provide information and facilitate exchanges between the concerned stakeholders.

Who can use it?

Wineries, wine growers, farmers

What type of tool is it?

Network, brand

How does it look like?


This tool is…

⊠ a new tool

☐ an improved tool

What are the vision & mission statement?

The network and brand should go on growing from FIRE RES project

When will it be complete?




This IA is implemented in the Living Lab(s)…

Catalonia. Further areas of investigation external to the Living Labs include Spain, France, Portugal and Italy.


Soazig Darnay

Elena Gorriz